Teen Programs

The Art of Acting Summer Teen Conservatory is a five week, thirty-hour-per-week intensive for 14-18 year olds; it is the most rigorous of its kind.

This demanding program is based on the conviction that young actors can be trained with the same rigor and discipline as adults.  Actors exercise all the aspects of craft required to achieve the highest professional standards: voice and speech, movement, improvisation, scene study, Shakespeare and acting technique. As with all of the Studio’s programs, the Summer Teen Conservatory is informed by the insight that “growth as an actor and growth as a human being are synonymous.” Young people are therefore acquainted not only with core elements of actor training but with the artistic, cultural and humanistic values that support a life in the theater and film.

Classes: Movement for Actors, Voice and Speech, Improvisation, Acting Technique, Scene Study and Shakespeare.

Master Classes (might include): Physical Theatre, Acting for Film and TV, the Business of Acting, Monologue prep, College Auditions

Program ends with an “Open Class” where students show work from Scene Study and Shakespeare Classes. Parents welcome.

Housing accommodations are not included.


Going through the Teen Conservatory specifically helped immensely with my transition in to the NYU Tisch Drama program because I became accustomed to nine-hour days, five days a week. The skills I developed within the Teen Conservatory program are invaluable. They continue to inform my acting and how I operate in my every day life.

Katarina Zhu, NYU Tisch BFA Graduate

Admission Information

Admission to the Teen Summer Conservatory is by audition and interview. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents between the ages 14-18. Student visas for international study are not available for this program at this time.

Applicants must submit the following:

  1. A completed Online Application Form.
  2. Headshot (Photo) and Resume. If you do not have a professional headshot, it is okay, any clear photo of you can work.
  3. One Letter of Recommendation, including the referee’s address and telephone number. The letter should be from a teacher or person who can supply a recommendation as to the applicant’s character and potential. Referees may be contacted directly.
  4. A $50 non-refundable application fee (payable to Art of Acting Studio).

The Audition

The audition should consist of a memorized performance of two monologues: one Shakespeare and one Contemporary, no longer than 90 seconds each. Phone Interviews and Video Auditions are acceptable, if necessary. After the interview and audition have taken place, applicants will be formally notified by phone regarding their acceptance in the program.


COVID-19 Policy: Please visit the studio’s Health & Safety page for the latest updates, policies and list of measures the studio has taken to protect the community against COVID-19.