Video Auditions
Zoom Interviews and Video Auditions are acceptable. An applicant must have applied before scheduling a Zoom audition or submitting a pre-recorded video audition. Audition videos can be uploaded to a streaming service such as Youtube (Privacy Setting: Unlisted) or Vimeo (Privacy Setting: Private/password protected) and then the link can be submitted to the studio’s admissions office.
Foreign Students
This school is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students under the F-1 Student Visa. Foreign students must meet the following requirements:
- Fluency in English. Please See English Requirements below.
- A completed application submitted with all appropriate supplemental materials.
- If a foreign applicant is unable to interview in person, a Zoom interview should be arranged and a video audition should be submitted. The applicant must also explain in writing why he or she wants to attend the Studio, including a brief biography.
- Applicant must submit proof of anticipated source of income (a bank statement or letter from a parent, guardian, or sponsor confirming financial support sufficient to enable the applicant to remain in the United States during the term of study). Please note that foreign students may not work while living in the United States.
English Requirements for Non-Native English Speakers:
Non-native English speaking applicants are required to submit TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test) results, which have been issued within the past two years.
Our minimum TOEFL iBT test score is 100, with a speaking score of 20.
Students whose first language is not English, must have a 12th Grade reading and writing level in English.
Exemption from English language proficiency testing will be given:
- If your native language is English;
- If you have been studying in a school or college/university where the sole language of instruction is English for at least three years at the time of your application.
- If your education has been completed entirely in schools/colleges/universities where the language of instruction is English.
- Even if you are exempt from taking the TOEFL iBT, you may still submit your scores to demonstrate your English proficiency. You should take the TOEFL iBT examination if you do not qualify for an exemption. Your TOEFL iBT score will be used in conjunction with you audition and interview.
This institution does not offer instruction in English as a second language, nor do we provide English language services. All classes are conducted only in the English language.
All fees are payable by specified dates before the beginning of each semester. Payments plans are available, but must be agreed upon before the first day of the semester.
Upon satisfactory completion of the Professional Conservatory, graduating students will receive a Certificate of Completion as accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre.
Every student enrolled in the Professional Conservatory is continuously evaluated by the faculty and given guidance regarding their progress and growth. Formal evaluations, in the form of faculty interviews, are given each semester. Invitations to continue studying into the second year and final semester are sent out after all faculty have reviewed and evaluated each student’s growth, work ethic, and overall participation in each corresponding semester. In the workshop programs, students are evaluated by the faculty to determine whether they are ready to move to the next class level.
Grounds for Dismissal
Students may be dismissed from any program at the Art of Acting Studio due to inappropriate behaviour, absences, repeated tardiness, or, in the opinion of the faculty, non-participation. Please refer to the refund policy in the school catalog.
Students who wish to withdraw from the Studio for any reason must submit a written notice to the artistic director. The official date of withdrawal will be the date on which the director receives the notice. Full refunds (less the deposit) are available only before classes begin. After classes begin, students will be refunded according to a schedule, as indicated on the refund policy included in the application for admission. Further information is provided in the Student Guidelines handbook.
Financial Aid
At this time the Art of Acting Studio does not participate in any student financial aid program through the Department of Education. Therefore, students are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid through FAFSA. The Art of Acting Studio is not a participating organization in the Plan 529 College Savings plan through the IRS.
Scholarships and Work Study
Stella Adler Studio offers a very limited number of partial scholarships for select incoming students for the LA Professional Conservatory. After being accepted into the Conservatory, students may apply through an essay based application for a partial scholarship and some will be awarded based upon financial need, merit and talent. The available awards are:
1. Stella Adler Scholarship Fund: Amount varies up to full-tuition coverage.
2. Sonia Sanchez Scholarship Fund: Up to full-tuition coverage for BIPOC actors.
3. Elaine Stritch Scholarship Fund: $2000
4. Harold Clurman Scholarship Fund: $1000
For best consideration, students should apply to the Conservatory at the earliest possible date.
Work Study Opportunity
Upon entering the second year of the Professional Conservatory program, students have the opportunity to apply for a limited number of work study positions with the studio for either reduced or complimentary tuition. After reviewing all applications, selected students are invited to interview for the positions. Students are chosen based upon their work and performance in the previous year, good standing at the studio as well as financial need and qualification. Any student who is unsuccessful in obtaining one of these positions is still eligible for, and may obtain a regular Scholarship towards their tuition.
**The information on this website is based on the most recent data as of January 2023; every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. Because of the complexities associated with administering multiple financial aid programs and regulatory changes that may occur, all information contained herein, especially figures on tuition and expenses, is subject to change, and nothing in this edition will be binding upon the Art of Acting Studio if such changes are mandated by Federal regulations or institutional policy.**
COVID-19 Policy
Please visit the studio’s Health & Safety page for the latest updates, policies and list of measures the studio has taken to protect the community against COVID-19.